The fact that this new post is being written after exactly a month is not a pointer that this is going to be a monthly blog. It merely indicates that nothing substantial has come to our notice to warrant a piece to be written on. However, this doesn't mean that nothing is happening on the alumni front. I have personally come into contact with many of our school batchmates as also other alumni. People are getting in touch and social networking sites are a testimony of it all. Based on the various such contacts one has made, I have been able to update many a e-mail address. So, it can be said with confidence that we are inching toward recreating the chain of friendship and comeraderie, albeit, slowly. I am sure that our friends will send inputs on their respective get togethers so that others can draw inspiration fron it.
One piece of news that is worth mentioning is that Mr Chanchal Singh, a member of our School Teaching fraternity, has been promoted to the post of DEO, Chandigarh. CONGRATULATIONS, SIR.