Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The Blog has completed one month since its inception and has seen reasonably good response. Many people have joined, commented & contributed; and have got in touch with their old class fellows and friends here and abroad. Seniors and Junior batches have shared their school photographs and contact details of their friends. So, in a sense one feels energised. Though,I must admit, there are some ex-students whom I have personally called up, cajoled, bugged but without much success. Hope things change. Some may also have (mis)construed it of being handiwork of "an idle mind with apparently no work"!!!!!! Well, I leave it to their wisdom and would endeavour to carry on with this effort to the extent possible because I attribute this blog to a feeling of nostalgia and a yearning to get in touch with all those who started their journey of gaining knowledge together; irrespective of who they have become and where they are now. Hope this effort is seen in the correct perspective. This year as our batch completed 25 years of passing out from this Institution, one has felt a sense of bewilderness at not knowing "who is where, doing what". I am sure others have also experienced similar sentiments. I am sanguine that together we will be able to form a workable network within our batches and other friends so that we are able to share such milestones in future. This forum can also be used to share fun moments spent together (by uploading pics of such get togethers, as Rajiv Tewari has promised).
Today we also made a visit to our "Alma Mater". It was such a great feeling to be standing in the same corridors where we used to run around once upon a time. The school has got some additions to its structure, but all that we are familiar with is still there. We have been promised by the school Principal "Ms Ravi Raj Kaur" that she and her staff would provide all the support to see this effort bearing fruit. In fact I have requested the Principal to provide us with names of old students of our vintage so that the lists could be updated. Soon, we shall also be taking pics of the school premises and uploading them so that everyone near and far can have a glimpse of the school. Hope you all will like it.


  1. Its really a fantastic effort from Atul's side and we promise to help and contribute to carry on this blog.
    we honestly salute the strong foundations laid for our esteemed careers at 35 Model.

    Not everybody can be Atul Pandey.

  2. What a virtual tour of the school, thanks to Atul and Rajiv!!! I have done this kind of thing for my IAS batch for years, and I can tell you how time consuming it can be. Atul, its not an idle mind's work, but is the work of a sensitive soul. Great beginning!!! And now updation has to be done by all concerned. - Neerja
